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Glyphosate Test Kits

The test kits are designed for food/environmental laboratories, food companies and grain processors who require fast turnaround time and glyphosate test results that support quick and informed decision making.

We offer Quantitative Glyphosate ELISA Test Kits, AOAC Performance Tested ELISA Test Kits, and Lateral Flow Semi-Quantitative/Qualitative Glyphosate Test Kits. Our kits are based on proven immunoassay technology that has been used reliably for decades in a variety of industrial applications. Applications are available for testing in a variety of sample matrices.


500205 glyphosate plate derivatization elisa
Glyphosate ELISA Plate and Derivatization Kit, 96-test
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: PN- 500205
1 items total
500205 glyphosate plate derivatization elisa

Súprava ELISA s glyfosátom je imunoanalýza na kvantitatívny a citlivý skríning glyfosátu vo vzorkách vody. Tento test je vhodný na kvantitatívny a/alebo kvalitatívny skríning...

Code: PN- 500205

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