If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk



lodička k butyrometrom1
Lodička k butyrometrom
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 632438820000
poharik k butyrometru
Pohárik k butyrometrom
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 632438810000
butyrometr dle van gulika na syr 3 g simax1
Butyrometer Van Gµlik, na syr, 3 g, 0 - 40 % s overovacím listom
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 632438204020
butyrometr dle van gulika na syr 3 g simax1
Butyrometer Van Gµlik, na syr, 3 g, 0 - 40 %
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 632438204000
4 items total
butyrometr dle van gulika na syr 3 g simax1

Butyrometer podľa Van Gulika ciachovaný, na syr 3 g, bez overovacieho listu.  

Code: 632438204000
butyrometr dle van gulika na syr 3 g simax1

Butyrometer podľa Van Gulika ciachovaný, na syr 3 g, s overovacím listom  

Code: 632438204020
lodička k butyrometrom1
Lodička k butyrometrom
In stock at the manufacturer

Voliteľné príslušenstvo k butyrometru, autoklávovateľné do 121°C.  

Code: 632438820000
poharik k butyrometru
Pohárik k butyrometrom
In stock at the manufacturer

Voliteľné príslušenstvo k butyrometru, autoklávovateľné do 121°C.  

Code: 632438810000

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.